First off... Let me say that I am not a fan of regular quiche- and neither is Josh, but we both LOVE this one!
This recipe today comes from one of my good friends named Jenn. She is a fabulous cook and this recipe is no exception... and its even easy! She made this for a luncheon with the girls one time and I absolutely loved it. I called her one night because I was desperate for something to make and knew that it called for regular ingredients that I would already have. So... Here it is!1 1/3 cups flour1/2 cup margarine (I use Butter flavor Crisco- I think it gives it a better taste)4 T. cold water
That is the pastry shell- Cut the margarine into the flour first and then add the water. Press that into a pie pan. Since we are temporarily away from our permanent residence, I didn't bring all of my dishes- so I don't have my nice deep pie pans- and have been using those tin ones instead. The first time I made this here in Texas, I made WAY too much filling and had to throw a bunch away. This time, I just made sure my pastry shell was pressed down really well creating a really high edge for me to pour all the yummy-ness inside!
Filling:1/2 cup milk1/2 cup mayo (I use about a 1/3 cup instead... I just can't bring myself to use a 1/2 cup!) 2 eggs (I use 3 eggs.... It seems to set up better for me!)1T. Flour dash of peppergreen onion (Jenn told me that she usually just uses onion powder, so that's what I use as well!)1/2 lb. ham, turkey, or veggies -chop them up pretty small1 cup shredded cheeseMix eggs, mayo and flour first, then add milk, then add the rest of the ingredients. I use a whisk to really get the milk, mayo, eggs and flour nice and smooth before I add anything else.
This is how I cook my bacon- I put it on a plate with lots of paper towels and microwave it for 3-5 minutes depending on your microwave- I obviously wanted it pretty crispy for this recipe. Cover the bacon with a paper towel on top to avoid a greasy mess in your microwave. Chop up all of the add-ins pretty small.
Pour into a pastry shell.
Bake at 350 for 35-40 min. Jenn told me (and I have found it to be true) that it takes much longer for this to be done. With the extra egg, I think my cooking time is more like 45-50 minutes, but with only 2 eggs, it seemed to take a lot longer to set up for me. Quiche is done when knife comes out clean from center.Ok... here's another tip. My first time making this, I thought it would be great if I threw in a bunch of different breakfast stuff (for the 1/2 lb of ham, turkey or veggies). It didn't taste so great- I threw in diced ham, bacon, brocolli, and shredded potatoes- and trust me... In this case... LESS is definitely MORE! The last two times I have made it I have kept it to either ham and brocolli, or bacon and brocolli (that's what this one is!) and it has tasted much better. Too many flavors just over-does the taste buds... Just trust me! Enjoy!!
And Jenn... you are the first to get to post the "I Was Featured" button on your blog if you want!
Oh, I so loved this at Jenn's and am so glad you posted the recipe! Yummy, brocolli and bacon sounds delish!
Oh, I'm so flattered!! I love this quiche so much, too bad Jason isn't the biggest fan. I just can't wait to get into my new house so I can actually cook again. Your cooking blog is soooooo cute. I will check it often,especially when I get to cook again someday!!
LOVE your new blog!!! I'm so excited to get new recipes AND share some with you!
Hope it goes well for you!
p.s. i'm a quiche lover, so i'm excited to try a new one!
So i'd like to request your recipe for breadsticks that Ashley made for that luncheon... those were sooo good!
Yes... Those breadsticks are actually going to be part of my next recipe to be featured... The recipe belongs to my sis-in-law and all the credit goes to her!
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