The pumpkin is by far one of the easiest cupcakes! Frost a cupcake in light orange frosting. Make it nice and round on top... You need a good amount of frosting.
Next, dip cupcake in orange decorative sugar so that the entire top is covered with orange sparkling sugar! It makes it look so good!
Then take a dowel and create creases across the top of the cupcake.
Add more orange food coloring (I added a TINY bit of red) to make your orange darker than the original color you frosted with. Put this into a plastic bag. You don't need fancy frosting piping bags. Just get a quart sized bag and fill up the corner. Then reinforce the corner with Scotch tape- so that when you are squeezing out the frosting, the bag doesn't rip open. Then cut the tip of the bag (right through the reinforced scotch tape corner) about 1/16 of an inch- Very small. Its easier to go back and cut a bigger hole...
Alright, my other favorite from last weeks class was the owl. I thought it was SO cute!
First, I recommend you use chocolate cupcakes, but if you only have vanilla, it really doesn't matter!
Frost your cupcake in chocolate buttercream frosting. (I bought all my buttercream for super cheap from Albertsons. I have since found a recipe I like, sort of... but it makes a TON!)
Pull apart 2 oreos so that the cream is on one side and the other side has none. Split the non-cream side in half and place oreos as seen in this picture:
Next, take 1/2 a black (or grape) jelly bean and use chocolate buttercream frosting to adhere to the oreo cream. Next put chocolate buttercream frosting into a plastic bag with reinforced corner (as instructed in the pumpkin) and cut a very small piece off. Once you have the right flow, start piping the owl's fur.

These are adorable!
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