Make it... you won't regret it (unless you already have high cholesterol and a lot of plaque build up in your arteries... That's just the nurse part of me talking though....)
2 packages crescent rolls
6 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 T. parmesan
1 cup hashbrowns
1 lb. sausage
1 cup cheese
Press crescent rolls onto bottom of cookie pan and smoosh (very official term) the edges together so there are no gaps. It should almost fill a cookie sheet. Precook crust in 350 oven for 8-10 minutes. You want it mostly cooked. In the time that is cooking, mix together the eggs, Parmesan, salt, pepper and milk and completely cook.
Also cook your sausage and hashbrowns (I always put about a Tbsp of oil in the hashbrowns to help them cook).
Seriously... doesn't that look delicious? I could probably eat this every night. It is so yummy. We eat it with a little salsa and it adds just the right kick to it. YUM!

um, yummy! I have to go get more hash browns but when I do I am totally making this!
That does look good. Nate got home yesterday from three weeks of pre-mob training. I think I'll make it for him this weekend!
oh I love me a good breakfast casserole and really anything with sausage! Totally going to try this, thanks!
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