
Italian Bread with Herbs

Sunday's dinner that I made for my sister was served with one of my favorite breads...Italian Bread with Herbs.

1 T. yeast
1 T. sugar
1 cup very warm water
2 T. oil
1 tsp. salt
2 1/2 cups flour (I used half white/half wheat)

Mix yeast and sugar into water. Let sit for 5-10 minutes. Mix in oil, salt, and flour (one cup at a time) until soft dough forms. Knead lightly until smooth. Cover in bowl and let rise 20 minutes. Shape dough into round loaves (each batch makes 2-3 loaves...If you have a bigger family you might want to double the recipe) and cut three small lines in the top of each loaf.
Cover with towel and let rise 20-25 minutes. Bake at 425 for 10-12 minutes.
Cut into thick slices and serve with this:

Here's how you make it!

Italian Herb Mix

2 tsp. crushed red pepper

2 tsp. ground black pepper

1 T. dried oregano

1 T. dried rosemary

1 T. dried basil

1 T. dried parsley

1 T. garlic powder

1 T. minced garlic

1 tsp. salt

Mix all ingredients together with the back of a spoon. The minced garlic helps it clump together a little. Put 1-2 tsp. of mix on small plate and drizzle with olive oil. Serve with warm bread....it is heavenly! (These pictures were stolen off my sister's blog... Thanks Rebecca!)

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